11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

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7. Run For It

There are only a few simple rules to remember to play and win this game. First, players take a turn in rolling or throwing 6 dice and look for a sequence or run based on the face numbers of the dice. The 6 face numbers should give a correct ascending sequence. If the numbers are these,for example, “2”, “3”, “3”, “2”, “5”and “4”. Then, the scores goes like this – 10 points for the run “2”-“3” and 20 points for the run “2” – “3” – “4” – “5”.

Five points are given for each face number of a die which is part of the sequence or run formed wherein thirty points are given in total for the above example. There can be more runs in each roll of the dice. Fourth, the first player who gets to accumulate 100 points wins the game.

dice-314877_1280 11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

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