11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

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2. Catch Up

Two dice are needed, one die given to the oldest among the group, and the other die given to the player opposite to him. Counters, which can be toys or any object that can be used as counters are placed in the middle of the formed circle. One of the most interesting parts of this game is the chant or rhythm produced by the players while playing. Before starting the game players should come up with rhythm, and chanting melodies.  Upon hearing the cue “roll over”, the players holding the dice throw the dice and keeping their fingers crossed not to get “6”. If this happens, the player should pass the die over to the person on his left and starts to produce the rhythm and chant. If the person has the dice in his possession and receives another from the person to his right, at the same time, wins the game.

dice-190604_1920 11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

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