11 Countries With Best Maternity Leave Policies In The World

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If you’re thinking about having children sometime soon, you might be interested to know about the countries with best maternity leave policies in the world.

Maternity leave policies have really grown in recent years. Companies tend to be a little more lenient these days, at least to some degree. That being said, women’s rights have been under attack and it seems like maternity leave policies may change alongside that. Maternity leave, however, is required and quite important. Many years ago women had to quit their jobs in order to have children, but now, women can have children and still go back to work months later with their job intact and everything ready to go. It’s liberating to know that women are appreciated in the workplace and able to have children and be working mothers because that wasn’t always an option. My mom was a working mother, so she stayed at her job after I was born, and I think that’s wonderful.

11 Countries With Best Maternity Leave Policies In The World


Maternity leave policies vary by state, country, and sometimes companies so it won’t be the same everywhere you work. If you’re nearing the point in your life where you might want to have kids, that’s something you should consider and evaluate. You can also read up on the companies with the best maternity leave policies in the world. Maternity leave is either paid or unpaid depending on the length and the job. I think it’d be great to have paid leave, so if it were up to me I would gravitate toward jobs that offer that. These are important benefits to learn about during the interview process.

In order to create this list, we took a look at Business Insider, Payscale, and Huffington Post. We then compiled the countries that appear in all three sources. After that, we ranked the countries on two criteria. The first one is the number of weeks that are allowed or mandated for maternity leave. The second piece of criteria is the percentage of wages paid to employees while they’re on leave. We then took the average of those numbers to create our results.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the countries with best maternity leave policies in the world.

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