11 Companies with Headquarters in Orlando

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Tupperware Brands Corporation (NYSE:TUP)

Sector: Kitchen and Beauty Products

We are continuing our list of companies with headquarters in Orlando with Tupperware Brands Corporation (NYSE:TUP) that is one of the leading companies when it comes to the multinational direct sales of kitchen storage sets and beauty products, thanks to its mind-boggling sales network, which includes more than 2.9 million people around the world. Tupperware Brands Corporation (NYSE:TUP) was originally founded as The Tupperware Company by Earl Tupper in 1946. Later, Tupper sold it to Rexall, and the company shifted its headquarters to Orlando in 1958. Currently, the multinational direct sales giant sells products in more than 100 countries.

11 Companies with Headquarters in Orlando


Follow Tupperware Brands Corp (NYSE:TUP)

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