10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

In 10 most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved, you won’t find information that will surprise you. You probably already knew about these problems Americans face. But did you also know that they all have solutions?

In order to give you these problems, we referred to articles by Cmc and the University of Missouri which discussed American values. (Funny how “values” in a country can also mean “problems and issues” in a country.) Then we took to Google searching. We searched all of the words below by typing in “(insert problem or issue) in America.” The first ten search results gave us our scores. 10/10 meant that a problem was confirmed to be a problem in the US by 10 out of (the first) 10 search results.

1/10 meant that a problem was only discussed as an American problem in 1 out of the first 10 search results, and therefore less of a problem. We also provided solutions to each issue, along with links to educational articles about these problems.

This article on most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved is not meant to bash Americans or their country. In fact, we can almost say America is great because we have these problems. They’re pretty much all first world ones.

But keep in mind that Google doesn’t know everything. There are many underlying issues that haven’t been written about yet, or at least bumped to the top of the search engine. Which is why the first item on our list had no results stating it as an American problem, but Americans are seeing it more than ever.

Also, yes, these solutions may seem easy. But they’re a lot easier said than done. Hence the reason why these issues have become so glaring in the US lately. A lot of citizens struggle with them, and though they can be overcome, it takes work. Work on your own self.

It may seem relatively pointless to work on your own problems while a whole country weighs in the balance, but this may be the best way we can help. Building orphanages in Haiti and hospitals in Yemen are noble enterprises, but one surefire way to truly improve your own country is to work on yourself. If a whole country is collectively putting out their best, it’s bound to improve.

But even by doing this, unfortunately, all of a country’s problems can’t be solved that easily or quickly. But 10 Biggest Problems in the World That Can Be Solved With Inventions might help.

This list of most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved will help as well, so here goes!

10. Comparison

Search Scale: 0/10

Solution: Stop comparing.

Though this one’s low on the scale and therefore not talked about much (at least in the articles on Google), we all know it’s a problem. Americans are constantly comparing themselves to others, which leads to many of the other issues discussed in this article. They want to be skinnier, richer, smarter and prettier. This may be why we are neither the skinniest, richest, smartest or prettiest country in the world (though the latter may be debatable).

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com

9. Bad Posture

Search Scale: 7/10

Solution: Straighten your back.

This is a comically simple issue on our list of most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved, but still relevant nonetheless, just read this article from the Atlantic. Informality compared to other countries has been apparent in the US for decades, and posture is one of its components. Bad posture creates breathing problems, neck problems and back problems, but that’s just the physical. Bad posture means you probably spend too much time leaning over your smartphone or being a couch potato. Bad posture also can indicate a lack of respect or attentiveness when in a conversation, or even lack of confidence. These all lead to many of the much larger issues Americans face as a result.  But the good news is that this one’s probably the easiest to solve. Just sit up straight more often.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved


8. Impatience

Search Scale: 9/10

Solution: Hold your horses.

In the book Bringing Up Bebe, which compares American parenting to French, it talks about how American babies become spoiled because their mothers run to their side the instant they start crying. This is just one of many examples of Americans and their constant desire for instant gratification (for more examples, see junk food, clickbait media, Disney fastpass and this article from NPR).

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

7. Greed

Search Scale: 10/10

Solution: Be more generous.

Americans have some things going for them- one being the fact that they let nothing stop them. Often to an unhealthy level. They’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want, and get it before anyone else. Sometimes while sacrificing family, friends, morals, health and other important values. Consortium News says it’s destroying the country.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved


6. Selfishness

Search Scale: 10/10

Solution: Others before yourself.

This one goes along the same lines as the seventh on the list of 10 most important problems and issues in America. It’s why marriages suffer, why Snapchat skyrockets and why Toddlers & Tiaras is a thing. It’s why in 2013, 34,924,648 photos were posted with the hashtag #selfie. Just ask Popular Science.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

Anna Demjanenko/Shutterstock.com

5. Unhappiness

Search Skill: 10/10

Solution: Be more happy.

It’s pretty mind-boggling how Scandinavian countries continually top happiness scales when they experience negative temperatures at least seven months out of the year. While relatively temperate America remains depressed. Must find out their secret. No wonder, this is on our list of most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved.

4. Obsession with Food

Search Scale: 10/10

Solution: Learn self control and restraint.

We’re not talking about the high obesity rate. We’re talking about what caused it. And there’s no need to go over the reasons why a high obesity rate is nothing to be proud of. Yes, food is delicious. Especially in the great United States. But for most of us, it’s not going away anytime soon. So relax, listen when your body gives you clues and savor that sandwich rather than inhaling it within minutes.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

Creativa Images/Shutterstock.com

3. Materialism

Search Scale: 10/10

Solution: Don’t put so much stock in the tangible.

We all knew this one was coming. With the recent minimalism movement, this has somewhat decreased recently. (Thanks to Mari Kondo and no thanks to Amazon Prime.) But studies suggest that a clean and neat house equals a clean and neat mind. And who wants a mind full of clutter? Let alone, a country full of it.

2. Productivity

Search Scale: 10/10

Solution: Slow down.

Slow living has become another recent trend. But it’s just so hard for most Americans to get it out of their heads that they don’t have to be constantly productive. Time is a precious resource, so why waste it, right? But the typical American workaholic is really missing out on the important things in life, no matter how cliche it sounds. And now, let’s see the number one on our list of most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock.com

1. Lack of Trust

Search Scale: 10/10

Solution: Don’t be immediately suspicious of everyone and everything.

Granted, with all the crazy people in America today, this one is understandable. But it seems this lack of trust been extended to everyone and everything in the US, to the point where you get a suspicious glare instead of a friendly hello when you walk by a stranger on the street. Gone are the days of immediately inviting the person who just knocked inside for a glass of lemonade. But while still watching our backs, maybe we should all consider trusting our neighbors a little more. Or at least say hello on the street.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

Feel Photo Art/Shutterstock.com

And there you have it- most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved. Now, let’s get to work.