10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved

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9. Bad Posture

Search Scale: 7/10

Solution: Straighten your back.

This is a comically simple issue on our list of most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved, but still relevant nonetheless, just read this article from the Atlantic. Informality compared to other countries has been apparent in the US for decades, and posture is one of its components. Bad posture creates breathing problems, neck problems and back problems, but that’s just the physical. Bad posture means you probably spend too much time leaning over your smartphone or being a couch potato. Bad posture also can indicate a lack of respect or attentiveness when in a conversation, or even lack of confidence. These all lead to many of the much larger issues Americans face as a result.  But the good news is that this one’s probably the easiest to solve. Just sit up straight more often.

10 Most Important Issues and Problems Facing America That Can Be Solved


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