10 Hardest Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers

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10. Allyn Rose, USA – Miss District of Columbia 2012/Miss Maryland 2011

Allyn Rose did a good job when she gave her answer for one of the hardest beauty pageant questions:

Question: “Bullying is a hot topic. Have you ever bullied someone?”

Answer: “If I’m being honest, there have been times in my life where I’ve said things to others that have hurt their feelings. I think we can all say we’ve experienced that, especially as young children who are still learning how we should treat others. I’m not proud of those moments, but they have happened.”

Follow up: “So, you’re saying someone who is a bully should be Miss America?”

Answer: “I’m saying that it would be disingenuous for me to say that I’ve never said something that hurt someone’s feelings. And, in my opinion, a Miss America is someone who is capable of acknowledging and admitting her mistakes, as well as moving past them.”

First and foremost, that follow-up question sounds a lot like bullying.

Secondly, of course she didn’t make Miss USA, because she told it like it is. Imagine if she had answered by saying “No, beautiful women have never been known to look down on people for vane reasons or talk sh*t behind their backs or to their faces”. That would have been fun.

10 Hardest Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers

Pixabay/Public Domain

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