10 Easiest Dorm Foods to Make

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6. Ramen

Prep time: 3-5 minutes

Rating: 3.5 stars

Instant ramen: the food item as common to college dorm dwellers as water, as close to them as best friends, and as cheap as they can get. It wins in prep time, ease of preparation, and in inexpensiveness. In fact, it could easily have taken the top spot on this list of easiest dorm foods to make. Unfortunately, in our opinion, ramen does not hold so much nutritional value (they’re empty sodium and carbs), and there are other foods that require less preparation time. Nevertheless, they are the easiest and best things to have for when you’re out of the budget, and they don’t taste awful either.

instant-noodles-481117_1280 10 Easiest Dorm Foods to Make

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