10 Easiest Dorm Foods to Make

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7. Instant Oats

Prep time: At most 5 minutes

Rating: 4.5 stars

The thought of bland oats may be the last thing you want to hear about in college, but real adults eat and love how great oats are. They are healthy and rich in fiber, very versatile, cheap, and best of all easy to make. Instant oats take no longer than 2 minutes in a microwave and no longer than 5 minutes with boiling water. You can add fruits, almonds, milk, instant cocoa mix if you’re feeling a little indulgent. Looking for something easier? Get creative with overnight oats! Just mix your oatmeal with milk or water and add fruits or nuts of your picking inside a jar, leave in the fridge overnight, and eat in the morning! You can add it to your packed lunch as well.

blueberries-531209_1280 10 Easiest Dorm Foods to Make

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