10 Funny Poems for Children

There are many reasons why poems serve as good reading material for children, which is why we created a list of funny poems for children.

Those reasons include the fact that poetry helps develop a rhythm with small children, even if they don’t understand everything the poem means. In the same vein, poetry increases a child’s vocabulary as well, without forcing them to read drab textbooks.

Reading poems out loud to children also helps them become better audible readers and speakers. Because they hear different voice inflections, pitches and volumes, they can better learn how to exercise that on their own.

Additionally, poetry helps with memorization skills in children. While the poems in our list are mainly for fun, there are many educational poems and rhymes small children learn in school to help them remember certain facts such as months of the year or even letters of the alphabet. (The alphabet song rhymes really well- is that why we adults still remember it?)

10 Funny Poems for Children

Denys Soboliev/Shutterstock.com

And everyone knows that songs are easier to memorize than anything else, but that’s because they rhyme- they’re basically just poems. (For bonus points, try having your kids memorize one of our selections below. Then you can video them reciting it and post it on Facebook to impress all your friends.)

So, are you convinced yet? If so, keep reading, or check out the poems in our list of 10 Inspirational Poems for Children.

These poems are on the lighter side, so if you and the kids need a laugh after a stressful day (life is hard as a kid), you’ll love our choices. They came from websites like Brownie Locks and Family Friend Poems, and they were created by a variety of different poets from the famous Shel Silverstein to the less famous Margaret Benison.

Regardless, even if you’re an adult reading purely for your own pleasure (we won’t hate), you’ll no doubt remember what it was like to be a kid as you read.

Kids have some of the most unique and adorable observations and perspectives on life, which makes the poems directed towards them plain hilarious. These poems cover subjects from tooth fairies to puppy love, from school to chores.

And although the rhymes are cute, they aren’t so insignificant- some of them have wise morals and life lessons tied in. (What parent doesn’t love a fun way to teach their littles a lesson?)

So, get excited- we’re finally giving you the list of funny poems for children. Happy reading!


10. Follow the Moon  By Marie Tully

I followed the moon, Or did it follow me

I turned a corner, It was still there you see

I tried to trick it, In the shadows I hid

But the moon kept on watching, That’s what it did

A cloud passed before it, Now was my chance

But the stars in the sky, Never could lie

I walked on through the night, The moon followed me home

Or did I follow the moon, I don’t quite know.

And now, let’s see whar else we have in our list of funny poems for children.

10 Funny Poems for Children



9. Breaking Day By Margaret Benison

Today, I broke everything I touched

Brother’s phone, His toys,

My own toothbrush, I smashed my sister’s favorite cup,

Lost her bracelet for good luck, I even crushed a chair of timber,

Where my father reads and lingers, I ruined mother’s chicken soup,

Too much salt in there I scooped, Spattered rice on the kitchen floor,

Drew pink heart shapes on the wall, Broke my crayons,

Tore all papers, When my Nana napped I woke her.

With all the broken scoops and piles, I have shredded everyone’s smiles

But then before bedtime they hugged me,

I’m their baby, They still love me!

10 Funny Poems for Children

Garnet Photo/Shutterstock.com


8. Some Things Don’t Make Any Sense At All By Judith Viorst

My mom says I’m her sugarplum.

My mom says I’m her lamb.

My mom says I’m completely perfect

Just the way I am.

My mom says I’m a super-special wonderful terrific

Little guy.

My mom just had another baby.


10 Funny Poems for Children


7. Short Love Poem By Judith Viorst

It’s hard to love

The tallest girl

When you’re the shortest guy,

For every time

You try to look

Your true love in the eye

You see

Her bellybutton.

10 Funny Poems for Children


6. Michael O’Toole By Phil Bolsta

Michael O’Toole never did get to school,

So he never learned how to write—

Or to read or to spell or do anything well,

Which is sad, for he’s really quite bright.

And now that he’s grown, he sits home alone

’Cause there’s nothing he knows how to do.

Don’t be a fool and stay home from school,

Or the same thing could happen to you!


5. The Toothless Wonder By Unknown

Last night when I was sound asleep,

My little brother Keith

Tiptoed into my bedroom

And pulled out all my teeth.

You’d think that I would be upset

And jump and spit and swear.

You’d think that I would tackle Keith

And pull out all his hair.

But no! I’m glad he did it.

So what if people stare.

Now, thanks to the Tooth Fairy,

I’ll be a millionaire!

(If you’re struggling with images of bloody-mouthed, money-hungry children, don’t worry- this was the most gruesome of our funny poems for children.)

10 Funny Poems for Children


4. I’m Glad I’m Me By Unknown

I don’t understand why everyone stares

When I take off my clothes and dance down the stairs.

Or when I stick carrots in both of my ears,

Then dye my hair green and go shopping at Sears.

I just like to dress up and do goofy things.

If I were an angel, I’d tie-dye my wings!

Why can’t folks accept me the way that I am?

So what if I’m different and don’t act like them?

I’m not going to change and be someone I’m not.

I like who I am, and I’m all that I’ve got!

And now, let’s see the top three entries in our list of funny poems for children.

10 Funny Poems for Children


3. How Not to Dry the Dishes  By Shel Silverstein

If you have to dry the dishes

(such and awful, boring chore)

If you have to dry the dishes

(‘stead of going to the store)

If you have to dry the dishes

And you drop one on the floor—

Maybe they won’t let you

Dry the dishes any more.

10 Funny Poems for Children


2. When You Think Things are Bad By Dr. Seuss

When you think things are bad,

When you feel sour and blue,

When you start to get mad…

You should do what I do…

Just tell yourself, duckie,

You’re really quite lucky!

Some people are much more…

Oh, ever so much more…

Oh, muchly much-much more

Unlucky than you!

10 Funny Poems for Children

Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock.com


1. The Land of Happy By Shel Silverstein

Have you been to the Land of Happy,

Where everyone’s happy all day,

Where they joke and they sing

Of the happiest things,

And everything’s jolly and gay?

There’s no one unhappy in Happy,

There’s laughter and smiles galore.

I have been to the land of Happy—

What a bore!

10 Funny Poems for Children

Yuliya Evstratenko/Shutterstock.com

And there you have it! 10 funny poems for children. Hope you enjoyed them!