Warren Buffett News: Investing Principles, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.A)’s Holdings & Facebook Inc (FB)

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Editor’s Note: Related tickers: Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A), BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK), Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), Suncor Energy Inc. (USA) (NYSE:SU)

New ETF Puts Warren Buffett’s Approach to Work (ETFTrends)
A new ETF that tries to identify high-quality companies uses many of the same investing principles as Warren Buffet. “Does the newly launched iShares MSCI USA Quality Factor (NYSEArca: QUAL) capture some of Buffett’s essence? I dare say it does. Now, I’m not claiming you’re going to get Buffett-like results by owning this fund. It’s a pale imitation of the real thing,” writes Morningstar ETF analyst Samuel Lee in a commentary posted on the firm’s website Friday. “However, it’s clear that MSCI took its inspiration from all the right places when it devised the index.” [iShares Launches ‘Quality Factor’ ETF] BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE:BLK) launched QUAL in July. The fund is one of four ETFs the firm has introduced that weight individual companies by economic factors, rather than by market capitalization like most traditional stock benchmarks.

hedge fund research

Should Warren Buffett Buy Nasdaq? (TheStreet)
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A) was a reported bidder for NYSE Euronext (NYX_) ahead of the company’s eventual merger with IntercontinentalExchange (ICE_). Maybe the “Oracle of Omaha” should now turn his eye toward Nasdaq (NDAQ_), after the exchange was again crippled during a three-hour trading freeze on Thursday. Buffett, who recently said his investing conglomerate is “the 1-800 number when there’s really sort of panic in markets,” may be the right buyer to restore confidence in Nasdaq after the exchange suffered through a May 2010 “Flash Crash” and was hamstrung by software glitches in Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)‘s initial public offering.

Tycoons who won’t leave their money to their kids (Stuff)
A growing number of mega-wealthy business people and entertainers have pledged to give away the bulk of their fortunes rather than leave their money to their children. …As an incredibly wealthy investor and philanthropist, Buffett has pledged to give away 99 per cent of his wealth, either during his life or when he dies. He started by promising 83 per cent of it to the Gates Foundation, according to FORTUNE Magazine.

Think like Warren Buffett (CBS8)
Back in 1999, Robert G. Hagstrom wrote a book about the legendary investor Warren Buffett entitled “The Warren Buffett Portfolio”. What’s so great about the book, and what makes it different from the countless other books and articles written about the “Oracle of Omaha”, is that it offers the reader valuable insight into how Buffett actually thinks about investments. In other words, the book delves into the psychological mindset that has made Buffett so fabulously wealthy. Although investors could benefit from reading the entire book, we’ve selected a bite-sized sampling of the tips and suggestions regarding the investor mindset and ways to improve stock selection that will help you get inside Buffett’s head.

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