Tinder Scam: 5 Examples To Spot Scammers on OkCupid and Tinder

3. The pictures are few and extremely hot

Here’s one of the examples to spot scammers on OkCupid and Tinder that almost everyone experienced once in their dating careers. So you find a gorgeous person and swipe right, as do they. You can’t believe your luck! You start talking, and they seem perfectly normal in their responses. This is almost too good to be true, and the picture, of course, is really too good to be true. You wonder if its overly photoshopped and try to find more pictures to get a better idea of what the person looks like, but no success. There are no more photos available. Long story short, yes you’ve been fooled. In such situations, it is always a good idea to simply end the conversation then and there, and keep your expectations at a more realistic level, which will avoid such happenings in the future.

Tinder Scam: 5 Examples To Spot Scammers on OkCupid and Tinder
