The 5 Creepiest Spokesmen Ever: What Were These Companies Thinking?

Jack Box

In 1994, Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) which ranks top 5 creepiest spokesmen ever: what were these companies thinking was on the ropes. A decade earlier, they decided to present a mature image by blowing up the company’s classic clown heads in commercials. The move, aside from being pretty much anything but mature, drew complaints from parents over violence. Years later, the food chain’s E. coli outbreak blew up, which resulted in lawsuits and negative publicity. As a desperate move to deflect public attention from the fiasco, the company launched a campaign to bring back the clown it previously exploded.

This time, the clown mascot was a normal human body in business attire and a big white head that looks like a smiley, with cold, blue eyes. His first appearance was in an ad where he “blew up” the company’s board in revenge for the clown blow-ups of the past decade. That ad also received complaints, because it was released in the midst of the Oklahoma City bombing and other similar incidents. Nonetheless, the ad was humorous enough to garner general public approval, and the food chain has rolled with it since. By the time Rick Sittig, the Jack’s creator and the mascot’s voice for two decades, ended work with the food chain in 2015, the company had grown from 1,200 branches to 2,200 and increased its stock price from $3 to $91. Proving once and for all that sometimes, creepy mascots can actually help sell a product.

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We’ll check out three more creepy mascots on the next page.