The 10 Largest Private Yachts in 2014

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Private yachts are one of the greatest forms of modern luxury, and the largest private yachts in 2014 are spectacles unto themselves, opulent expressions of what wealth and perhaps a little vanity can buy you when you have the funds. Unlike exotic sports cars or even homes, yachts are exceedingly expensive, and the largest private yachts in 2014 can run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, rivaling a private jet in terms of costs.

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To see what we mean by the costs of some of the largest and most outlandish modern boats, take a look at our previous feature on the Most Expensive Boats In the World. As you’ll see, the prices are quite incredible. Unlike a private plane however, which is used more as a private means of travel, a yacht is used not so much as a means of travel, but rather as one of relaxation and partying. There’s nothing quite like hoisting anchor and sailing out into the sea with 20 or 30 people aboard,, and partying until the sun comes streaking up out of the distant waves.

If that sounds like a dream experience, read on to find out the ten largest private yachts in 2014 that such dreams could be made on. These breathtaking and humongous ships will make you lament not being stinking, filthy rich.

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