Purple Ketchup, Celery Soda, and 6 Other Crazy Food Ideas That Flopped

6. Pepsi AM

Issued in 1989, Pepsi AM, as its name indicates, was an attempt to convince the public to consume fizzy drinks in the morning. Needless to say, their failure was absolute, and the product disappeared within just a few months of being released. Let’s face it, nothing is ever going to beat coffee in the morning, and I don’t know any healthy people that enjoy drinking cola before lunch. It just feels terrible no matter how much you like it in general.

However, I think the idea itself was great. The big mistake was the market they were trying to conquer, since it was not early birds they should have aimed at, but tired people in general, no matter the time of day. Just imagine the success they could have achieved by promoting this product to college students who have to stay up all night studying! I know if it were me, I’d just fill a bag with the sugary, caffeinated liquid, stick a needle in my arm and use it as an intravenous serum. You definitely missed the boat on that market PepsiCo, Inc. (NYSE:PEP)!

Purple Ketchup, Celery Soda and 6 Other Crazy Food Ideas That Flopped

MAHATHIR MOHD YASIN / Shutterstock.com