Cortana vs. Siri vs. Alexa vs. Google Assistant: The Best AI


You can never accuse Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) of not trying its best to rival Apple, doomed Zune MP3 players be damned. The software giant debuted the AI assistant, Cortana, named after the AI character in the Halo video game franchise, in 2014. Endemic in the latest Windows operating systems, Cortana has since expanded into Microsoft’s Edge Internet browser, as well as on Android and iOS phones, making it a widely-available on-the-go AI assistant alternative. Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) plans to integrate Cortana into more of its properties, like the Xbox gaming console, the Skype chat app, and the LinkedIn social network. And of course it’s powered by Bing, the Microsoft-owned search engine that is on Year 9 of trying really hard to compete with market leader Google.

Cortana vs. Siri vs. Alexa vs. Google Assistant: The Best AI

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