8 Countries with Tuition Free Colleges in English for American Students

7. Czech Republic

Living costs: $700

One of the most beautiful European cities is actually the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, and the very notion of experiencing it as a foreign student is something to think about. The interesting thing regarding the universities in this country is if students from America want to study there attending regular programs in Czech, everything is completely free. However, programs in English require the annual fee, which is around $2,000, again being very affordable. If you take into consideration that the Czech Republic that ranked 7th on our list of countries with tuition-free colleges in English for American students is one of the cheapest countries in the Western Europe, you will realize once again how great it is to rethink it for studying. The place in the student dormitory may be found for just around $150, while the private accommodation shared with a roommate can cost you $300.