8 Best Star Wars Books about Sith

6. Shadow Hunter  (Star Wars: Darth Maul #2)

The second book of the “Star Wars: Darth Maul” series, titled “Shadow Hunter” follows the development of probably the best known Sith character in the Star Wars universe. The book follows the story of Darth Maul engaging in the tough quest of protecting his master, Darth Sidious, from the dangers that await him.

Best Star Wars Books about Sith

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5. Darth Plagueis

The fifth contender on our list of the best Star Wars books about Sith is titled “Darth Plagueis” and as you can draw from the title, it tells of an ancient Sith legend – the tragedy of Darth Plagueis. This Sith Lord is so powerful and wise that his command of the dark side of the force gives him control over life and death.

Best Star Wars Books about Sith