7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users

Having trouble finding ways to stop adblockers and generate income from adblock users? We have just the thing for you.

In the recent years, adblocking has become very popular, especially among the younger Internet users, who also happen to be one of the most targeted demographics in Internet marketing. In a survey done by PageFair and Adobe, in 2015, 41% of 18-29-year-old users were using adblockers. That resulted in staggering $21 billion of lost ad revenue in 2015, with projections of doubling in 2016. According to the MetaFact, in US, UK, and France, almost one-third of adult users employ adblocking in their daily activities. China with 49% and Brazil with 58% of adblocker users among the Internet-going adults are even placed higher on the list of countries with the highest numbers of adblock users. And to make matters worse, the people who use adblockers are the ones that are far more likely to spend money on the Internet. They buy more tech and have overall 56% higher shopping activity. In a nutshell, your best customers are refusing to take a look at your offer and you are left with just a bunch of window shoppers.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users


Ads are annoying. They are often intrusive and completely unrelated to the users in whose face they are pushed.  Not only that, they can be very dangerous and often serve as a delivery vessel for some of the most common online  threats we’re facing today. Malvertising campaigns, as they are affectionately called, have become a widespread occurrence, like the one involving Forbes, who asked their users to disable adblock in order to view their content. As soon as users obliged them, they were served with a pop under malware, infecting their computers.  For average users, using addblockers is almost a no-brainer, but (there’s always a but) there’s a larger picture to consider. Remember those $21 billion in lost ad revenue? What happens when your favorite sites start going offline because they just can’t afford to operate without that sweet AddSense money? Unless they find ways to stop adblockers and generate income from adblocker users, this is almost a certain future of the World Wide Web. Although not everyone agrees that adblockers are as harmful to the ad revenues as believed, they do agree that “the choice to disable our adblockers is not cost-free”

Regardless of that, all who depend on ad income will have to adapt to the new age. Here are some ways we discovered that can help you generate income for the adblock users. Hopefully, you will find them useful.

7. Block content

This is usually the first knee-jerk reaction most site owners have when they discover a sudden drop in ad revenue. Block your content for the adblock users, however, will often result in them leaving and never coming back to your site.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users

6. Whitelist

All adblockers have an option of whitelisting their favorite sites. If you ask nicely and explain that ad revenue is absolutely crucial to the survival of your site, most people will agree to place it on their whitelist, allowing you to show ads despite adblockers.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users

Denys Prykhodov / Shutterstock.com

5. Use mobile app

Any mobile app worth its salt completely bypasses browsers and any adblockers that come with them. It may be the most expensive solution, but it will allow you to circumvent adblockers and show your ads.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users

Zeynep Demir / Shutterstock.com

4. Paid subscription

Offering an ad-free experience in exchange for paid subscription is an excellent way to stop adblockers and generate income from adblock users. If you have a large following, ask for a symbolic monthly fee that will be enough to offset ad revenue loss. It might not be a viable strategy for smaller sites, though.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users


3. Affiliate marketing

Reconsider your ad revenue strategy. Instead of relying on AdSense, start using affiliate marketing. With a good choice of partners, you can offer your users ads that are relevant to them. Banners are hosted on your servers and are an integral part of the site, hence invisible to adblockers.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users

Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock.com

2. Native marketing

Another form of marketing strategy you can consider is native marketing. It does require far more effort than AdSense or even affiliate marketing, but if done properly, it can do wonders for your faltering ad revenue.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users

Inozemtsev Konstantin/Shutterstock.com

1. Adapt

Finally, adapt. The new age is upon us and the best way to stop adblockers and generate income from adblock users is to adapt to it. Let’s face it, the adblockers are here to stay and only those who know intimately their user base and what kind of ads they like to see will survive in an increasingly competitive market.

7 Ways to Stop Adblockers and Generate Income From Adblock Users
