7 Ways to Save on Funeral Costs

6. Go for direct cremation or immediate burial

For cremation, any funeral home in the country is an option, which drastically saves on costs. Simply have the ashes mailed to you. Remains are much easier to store at a cemetery, and, therefore, less expensive. They can alternatively be buried or scattered almost anywhere.

But if you’re more comfortable with burial, have it done immediately. This eliminates the need for preservation (discussed in number 7). You won’t have to give up a graveside service or nice casket in this case, either, as long as you’re quick and willing to settle for something simple. Consider holding a private viewing for close family members right in the place of death. Then, relieve your mind by holding a memorial service whenever it’s convenient. And since there will be no body involved, hold the event at a church, home, park or community center instead of a costly funeral home.

life-864388_1280 (1) 7 Ways to Save on Funeral Costs