7 Online Cooking Courses With Certificate

If you are tired of calling your parents or friends every time you want to cook something, or you are already a good cook but in need of a certificate we made this list of 7 online cooking courses with a certificate, to ease your search.

Cooking can be very stressful for many people, however, once you learn that cooking is all about practice and investing yourself into making food, you will realize how rewarding is. Making food should be all about enjoying your time in the kitchen and sharing the love for food. We live in the instant time, and we want everything right away; because of technology we are losing patience. If you’re one of those people who prefer learning hands on and you’re living in NYC we have a perfect list for you – Affordable Cooking Classes in NYC. Tasty and good-looking meals mean time consumption: sometimes it can take 10 minutes and sometimes 3 hours. What is important in those 10 minutes or in 3 hours of preparing a meal is for you to enjoy it.

We think everyone can agree with George Bernard Shaw when he said ‘There is no love sincerer than the love of food.’ It is a beautiful skill to learn how to cook, and I believe everyone can do it if they really want to. Even though people have no time to cook healthy meals for themselves and their families because of their busy schedule, it is wonderful to see personalities like Chrissy Teigen and Ayesha Curry promoting cooking. Back in the days our mothers would learn the basics of cooking in school, however, today we do have Youtube and millions of cooking videos. So there’s no excuse.

In order to compile this list of online cooking courses with a certificate we used Google and Class Curious. The prices of courses vary from month to month (there are always some promotional prices included) but you can find the prices of courses on links below, in the name of each course. Whether you are looking for theory, detailed instructions or tips directly from recognized chefs, we have got you covered. Feel free to leave a comment about your favorite tips when cooking. Now, let’s see our list of online cooking courses with a certificate.

7. Universal Class: Cooking and Baking

Cooking and Baking Course is all about encouraging people that it’s never too late to learn how to cook and bake. We love a course that doesn’t make us feel bad when we are completely new in the field. No matter whether you had a good role model in the kitchen in life or not, the most important thing for you to have in order to be a good cook is to have a good will. Determination and persistence are the golden keys when it comes to learning a new skill. This accredited course number 7 on our list is designed for those who have no idea where to start. Do not be afraid to start or think you are the only person lost in the kitchen, since you are not alone, more than 3350 students enrolled in this course. You will be provided with basic knowledge, and with some life lessons on how to grow in a culinary world. Even though the course is self-paced, if you’re on the right track you can finish it within the six months with a well-deserved CEU certificate.

 7 Online Cooking Courses With Certificate

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

6. Penn Foster Career School

If you’re looking for an online school that will help you polish your culinary skills and impress your loved ones, Penn Foster Career School, the next one on our list of online cooking courses with a certificate has various online cooking courses. With these online courses, you decide when you will train and at what pace. If you stick to it, you can finish the course you chose within three months. You will learn everything from basic to advanced dishes. Cooking Certificate program will help you create memorable meals and moments. You can read on their site a lot of positive comments and hear success stories about people who praise the program for giving them the courage to start their own business. Incredible, right?

5. Chef Certification

At number 5 on our list of online cooking courses with a certificate, we have Chef Certification that is a small business excellent for those looking for a jumpstart career in the culinary world. The goal of these courses is to provide online culinary education courses for cooks and chefs. Thousands of students that went through these courses are more than satisfied. Chef Certification is offering various courses so you can choose what fits you best. If you are a beginner they have courses just for you, and if you are experienced in the culinary world, even more advanced courses are waiting for you. American Culinary Federation has created an ACF certification for everyone. ACF Certification is highly respected within the culinary industry since it promotes a certain level of preparedness and education. Let’s not forget to mention that the online courses are self-paced and enrollment is open 24/7, so you don’t have to worry about whether you are too late to apply.

4. Escoffier Online Professional Baking and Pastry Program

Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts is offering to people around the world a unique opportunity to teach you everything from culinary skills to professionalism you need to have if you decide to go all the way. As you can see on their site, their aim is to spread “a positive impact on the direction of American food culture”. You don’t have to worry about missing this opportunity since now there is a chance to earn a certificate in Escoffier Online Culinary Arts. Don’t stress thinking whether you are good enough for this program since the online culinary school is offering its students a curriculum that starts with the basics. Not only you will gain practical skills, but they put an important emphasis on theoretical knowledge as well. Each class will end with personalized chef feedback that helps you gain success. It doesn’t get better from personalized chef feedbacks so we are more than happy to include this online program on our list of 7 online cooking courses with a certificate. The program will last around 45 weeks, the more it lasts the more you get to learn. To learn more about it head over to the site hyperlinked above.

 7 Online Cooking Courses With Certificate

Jaroslav Francisko/Shutterstock.com

3. Ashworth College’s Gourmet Cooking

We are continuing our list of online cooking courses with a certificate Ashworth College’s Gourmet Cooking and Catering online classes will help you learn, in only 4 months, the basic skills and everything else for you to be ready for the professional culinary world, especially in the field of catering. This course is perfect for those who want to learn to prepare delicious food for various events and create healthy menus for those who prefer a healthy lifestyle. One of the amazing things about this course is that it will help you prepare for the National Restaurant Association Food Handler Examination. Not only you get to chance to gain culinary skills but if you’re determined to continue, this is the perfect platform for you. From this online course you can only grow in the direction you want.

2. Rouxbe Cooking School

Rouxbe courses that rank second on our list of online cooking courses with a certificate are great for students who need a more detailed instruction through cooking, practicing recipes and exercising through flash cards. If you prefer your own pace then you should learn by watching lessons when you want and where you want. Rouxbe’s Professional Cook Certification is for all the aspiring chefs, cooks, students who want to gain knowledge about food and polish their culinary skills. Beside learning how to cook, you will learn some knife skills which are incredibly essential in the kitchen. After you finish the course you will be awarded with a “Certificate of Completion”.

1. Top Chef University

Not only you get to have an opportunity to learn from the chefs from the Emmy Award- winning show but you will be able to learn at your own pace. There’s no pressure when learning because you will have access to 200 virtual lessons teaching you everything from basic things like organizing your kitchen to preparing some really challenging dishes. It is important to be organized in the kitchen when preparing complex meals, so don’t take organizational skills for granted. What is great about this cooking course is that there’s no need for any experience in order for you to start, not to mention that in order to cook a good meal you don’t have to have fancy kitchens as we can see them 24/7 on TV. There are 20 online courses that you can choose and finally, as a reward you will earn a Top Chef University certificate. Sounds pretty great, right? If you’re not sure whether this course is a good fit for you (since no one has money to waste), you can have 3 free lessons just to get a taste of what Top Chef University is offering to you. With this note we end out list of 7 online cooking courses with a certificate.

 7 Online Cooking Courses With Certificate
