7 Online Cooking Courses With Certificate

4. Escoffier Online Professional Baking and Pastry Program

Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts is offering to people around the world a unique opportunity to teach you everything from culinary skills to professionalism you need to have if you decide to go all the way. As you can see on their site, their aim is to spread “a positive impact on the direction of American food culture”. You don’t have to worry about missing this opportunity since now there is a chance to earn a certificate in Escoffier Online Culinary Arts. Don’t stress thinking whether you are good enough for this program since the online culinary school is offering its students a curriculum that starts with the basics. Not only you will gain practical skills, but they put an important emphasis on theoretical knowledge as well. Each class will end with personalized chef feedback that helps you gain success. It doesn’t get better from personalized chef feedbacks so we are more than happy to include this online program on our list of 7 online cooking courses with a certificate. The program will last around 45 weeks, the more it lasts the more you get to learn. To learn more about it head over to the site hyperlinked above.

 7 Online Cooking Courses With Certificate

Jaroslav Francisko/Shutterstock.com