7 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Why They are Wrong

5. The explosion

By the time the twin towers went hurtling to the ground, millions of people from all over the world were glued to their TV screens, watching the tragedy take place, praying it would all somehow have a happy ending. So, there were plenty of witnesses who witnessed the buildings falling down.

Some of them, however, believe it wasn’t the fire that eventually led to the collapse, but rather explosions controlled by unknown individuals. The theory is based on the way the towers bent before the collapse and the fact that there appeared to be explosions taking place, blowing out the windows on every floor, from the top to the bottom, as the World Trade Center twins went down.

Controlled demolition experts, however, have stated time and time again that this theory doesn’t have much ground since they always work from the bottom to the top and not the other way around. What could be seen on TVs everywhere was actually caused by the collapsing floors and the pressure they put on the ones below them.