7 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Why They are Wrong

6. The remote controls

So, apparently there are people out there who believe that the whole attack was a thing of fantasy. It was all made up. The hijacked planes? Staged. How is that possible, you ask? Well, conspiracy theorists believe that the planes were actually packed with explosives and flown into their targets with the help of remote controls.

The passengers that boarded the planes were killed and thrown into the sea somewhere, or they weren’t there at all. Another theory says that the planes were actually filled with dead bodies to start with, people taken from morgues and strapped into the seats.

The “evidence” conspiracy theory fans use to prove their opinions are true is the fact that people on the planes called their families to say goodbye when they realized the situation they were in. They claim that this wouldn’t have been possible due to the altitude the planes were at and that the calls were faked using some kind of technology that morphs voices.

The truth is that the phone calls were made using the satellite phones that are in all airplanes.

new, york, 11, world, center, trade, terrorism, terror, 2001, wtc, smoke, clear, street, sky, light, people, billowing, no, disaster, september, city, blue, 9, 7 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Why They are Wrong

Ken Tannenbaum / Shutterstock.com