6 Easiest Ways To Focus and Improve Your Concentration

Focusing on work while the world is buzzing around you is hard, which is why we compiled a list of the 6 easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration to help you make your life more efficient and productive.

Our brains are constantly bombarded with tedious information every second. Concentrating on the things that matter most is difficult. According to USA Today, the prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex are involved in concentration. Every act that we perform requires concentration in order to be effective, even acts as simple as talking or walking that we talk for granted. When it comes to more complex matters, concentration is even more important and can make a huge difference. Imagine walking on a tightrope above the ground to get to a point of safety. If you fail to concentrate on this action, it could end badly.

In everyday situations, you likely won’t be walking on a tightrope, but you’ll have times where focus could improve performance a lot. For example, it’s taking focus to write this article right now to ensure my grammar and spelling is accurate. Without focus, there would be a lot of mistakes or inaccurate information.

In this article about easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration, we’re going to teach you a few tricks and tips that will help you to be more concentrated. It’s not as hard as you think, and even someone with the tightest of schedules could manage to fit it in. In order to compile this list, we went into the depths of the internet for recommendations. There are obvious answers to the question of how to concentrate better here, like sleep more, eat well, and exercise, but on this list we’re going to ignore the obvious and offer you something a bit more creative. These will help you to not only improve your focus, but become a more productive person overall. I think your boss will probably be happy with the results.

For more tips and tricks, check out 10 Productivity Tips to Save You Time and Help You Do More With Less. Try to keep your focus here first, though:


6. Refocus

This sounds like the most ridiculous thing to be put on a list of easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration, but hear me out. The average person is able to sustain a high degree of concentration for about 40 minutes at a time. After this point, the mind is sure to wander off. It’s important when you catch yourself drifting to shut down the extraneous thoughts and put yourself back in the mindset you need to be able to complete whatever you’re working on. It is possible to snap your mind back into a state of concentration, especially if you use the following five steps as well.


5. Practice Makes Perfect

Think of concentration as an activity. You can’t be a champion weightlifter if you’ve never even touched a weight before. You have to practice in order to become better. You may not be great at first, but with time and the other tips and tricks on this list, you’ll become more productive and focused.


4. Meditate

You don’t need to go to an expert for this, at least not for the purpose of basic focus and concentration. Meditation is like practicing to focus and works to clear your mind of gunk. It may not be totally convenient, but it’s a great thing to do in the shower or while your dinner is in the oven at home. By working on conditioning your mind to cancel out useless thoughts, you’ll overall be a more focused person.


3. Make a Plan

Sometimes you may face unexpected situations, but you’ll often know exactly what you need to achieve and your deadline. One of the easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration is to Make a plan with clear goals and stick to it. If you break down tasks into smaller objectives, you’ll be able to focus on completing it in a more effective way. Focusing too much on the big picture leads to smaller things falling through the cracks. Take it one step at a time to focus and improve your concentration.

2. Get Rid of Clutter

Crowded environments lead to distractions and don’t create productivity. Your workstation or desk may need a serious overhaul. If you’re surrounded by clutter, it can be easy for your mind to wander off and then suddenly you’ve started playing with the stapler. And do you really need that ticking clock next to you when you have a computer and a phone right there that can easily tell you the time? If you’re having trouble focusing, clear off your desk and you’ll notice a huge difference.


1. Master the Spider Technique

What happens when you hold a tuning fork next to a spider web? The spider comes to take a look at the thing making the noise. If you repeat this process over and over again, the spider is going to start to ignore you because it’s grown accustomed to the noise. You must be like the spider. If you’re afraid of spiders then I’m sorry for the gross analogy, but it works. Regardless of where you are, learn to tune out the noises around you that could be distracting. If you’re at work, for example, you know to expect a door slamming or a phone ringing, so you should grow accustomed to those sounds and still be able to work through it.

That rounds out our list of the 6 easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration. If you struggled making it through this list without getting distracted, try one of these out and see if it makes a difference!