6 Easiest Ways To Focus and Improve Your Concentration

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1. Master the Spider Technique

What happens when you hold a tuning fork next to a spider web? The spider comes to take a look at the thing making the noise. If you repeat this process over and over again, the spider is going to start to ignore you because it’s grown accustomed to the noise. You must be like the spider. If you’re afraid of spiders then I’m sorry for the gross analogy, but it works. Regardless of where you are, learn to tune out the noises around you that could be distracting. If you’re at work, for example, you know to expect a door slamming or a phone ringing, so you should grow accustomed to those sounds and still be able to work through it.

That rounds out our list of the 6 easiest ways to focus and improve your concentration. If you struggled making it through this list without getting distracted, try one of these out and see if it makes a difference!

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