5 Undeniable Scientific Proof That Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life Exist

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1. Saturn’s Moon Has a Giant, Global Ocean

To know a planet other than Earth can sustain life is surprising enough, but to think that a moon could support it too is breathtaking. According to scientists, Saturn’s moon, called Enceladus, has an ocean beneath the icy surface that’s enough to support life. There’s enough evidence to show that this moon has the same hydrothermal vents like the Earth has, which was responsible for spawning life.

If further studies are going to be conducted and prove these discoveries to be true, then you can no longer deny the life of aliens in the universe. Aliens are real and you’re pompous if you think you’re the only life that exists. To satisfy your doubtful mind, you can do more research on the 5 undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist.

5 Undeniable Scientific Proof That Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life Exist

Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock.com

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