5 Undeniable Scientific Proof That Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life Exist


3. Discovery of Exoplanets

About two decades ago there was an announcement form respected scientists about the discovery of exoplanets. They confirmed 1,978 exoplanets and 4,700 were slated to be confirmed. It’s a discovery that changed the viewpoint of many people. Definitely an undeniable scientific proof that aliens and extraterrestrial life exist. Extrasolar planets are smaller versions of the planets we already know that surround the larger ones in the solar system. They are what are now referred to as “Hot Neptunes” and “Hot Jupiters.” One Earth-life exoplanet is called Kepler-452b. According to research, it’s just right for life, or extraterrestrial life, rather.

5 Undeniable Scientific Proof That Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life Exist

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