5 Most Sexually Liberated Churches or Religions in the World

4. Satanism

Satanism probably sounds scary, since it is stigmatized by Christianity and its perception in the modern society. Surely Satanism is interpreted in many ways by many people, but for the majority, it remains to represent something bloody, medieval, demonic, bad and evil. However, nowadays there are several modern Satanist churches which are nothing of the above. Satanism here represents something which is on the opposite side of Christianity. Hence, Christian dogma about sex (all kinds of it), women, LGBT, and other issues are taken from another perspective in Satanism. It is a religion that supports all of the above, it is liberal and tolerant, which means it gives all freedom to people, excluding rape. For this, it deserves a place among the most sexually liberated churches and religions in the world.

5 Most Sexually Liberated Churches or Religions in the World

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