5 Most Popular Social Media Platforms in 2021

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1. Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB)

Monthly Active Users: 2.7 billion in 2020 via Statista

Topping the list of the most popular social media platforms in 2021 is Facebook, the first social networking platform to surpass a billion registered accounts. It has become the world’s biggest and most popular social media platform since it was first launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg who was at the time, a student at Harvard University. Currently, Facebook has more than 2.7 billion monthly active users. Facebook has continued to reign strong as the king of social media as 2 out of 3 active social media users are Facebook users. It is also the platform on which users spend the most time. On average, users spend 58 minutes per day on Facebook according to PEW Research. The company’s market valuation currently stands at $793.61 billion. Not only is it a social network which allows users to connect with each other, Facebook has also emerged as an important platform for businesses and organizations that want to connect to more people. Current trends show that the platform will maintain its position with constant new updates and features being rolled out to keep its users coming back for more.

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