5 Largest Dairy Companies in the World

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1. Nestle

Total sales in 2019 (in billions of dollars) 22.1

Topping the list of the 5 largest dairy companies in the world is of course, Nestle. Nestle is one of the biggest companies in the world and this Swiss giant seems to have a hand in a lot of our favorite brands and is said to be one of the 11 companies that have a hand in almost all of the brands which are famous globally.

While Nestle seems to be among the most famous companies in the world, it is also by far one of the most controversial. There are dozens of allegations and lawsuits against the company, alleging the worst crimes you can think of, and while these may just be accusations, it does seem that they’re quite convincing. While the company operates in 189 countries across the world and has nearly 300,000 employees, it also attracts criticism in almost all of these countries thanks to its unethical activities such as controversial marketing in developing countries which would discourage mothers from breastfeeding their children and rely on Nestle formula instead, slavery and child labor accusations in Africa, anti-union in Colombia, controversial water bottling operations in Oregon, Michigan and California, price fixing of chocolates and demanding Ethiopia repay a debt of $6 million while it was undergoing a severe famine. Nestle may be one of the biggest companies in the world but it has to do a lot more to not be categorized as one of the most unethical companies in the world.

See also: 6 easiest dairy products to digest and 11 most expensive countries to buy milk

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