5 Hardest Languages To Learn

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1. Arabic

No, those arent a two year olds doodlings, that’s something written in Arabic, I don’t speak it and I don’t intend on learning. Good luck with this number one hardest language to learn. It’s a doozy, but why? Well, first, it reasonables nothing of English. There’s nothing to compare to. Of course the alphabet is something totally different, and speaking of the alphabet, vowels are super important to us! Vowels? What vowels in Arabic? Oh, you mean the little extra scribbles around the letter. Yep, those are the vowels. Want another surprise? Everyday text doesn’t come with the vowels written in, you just have to know the word.. Have fun.

Fee Jemay/Shutterstock.com

Fee Jemay/Shutterstock.com

Here are just 5 of the hardest languages to learn, but there are certainly more that prove to be quite difficult. This list is not inclusive, and again, depends what your native tongue is as well. Which language would you want to be fluent in? Happy learning!

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