15 Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

These 15 most expensive domain names of all time prove that even simple things like website names can be a luxury to acquire. The internet has been the focus of a lot of development and opportunity over the years. It’s not really surprising considering how much people use the internet today. It has provided a lot of opportunities and has even given many careers that wouldn’t have existed if it was not for cyberspace. Owning a specific name or set of names online can be expensive. The reason why these domains became so expensive is because of the fact that they are so simple. Any person could simply discover and remember these domain names due to their simplicity.

We see a lot of popular websites using simple and easy to remember domain names. These have helped retain visitors and increased traffic. Even the widely used social media platform has some names that are quite easy to remember and have even become the norm in our languages. A few examples are listed in The 10 Most Used Social Media Websites Today. Owning a piece of internet property can now be as expensive, if not more expensive than owning real estate or physical property.

These domain names are ranked based on how much they sold regardless of when the domain names were bought. It’s also notable that some of these websites may no longer exist due to some circumstances we are not aware of. Let’s go through these 15 most expensive domain names of all time.

15. Beer.com

Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the entire world. It is also probably the most common drink depending on what part of the world you’re staying at. Beer.com was bought during 2004 for a sum of $7 million. If you check the site now you’ll find no website and that the domain is for sale once again for $5 million.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

Valentyn Volkov/Shutterstock.com

14. Diamond.com

Continuing with the trend of simplicity, Diamond.com is probably a common search for those looking for expensive jewelry or even wedding rings. The domain name was bought during 2006 for a sum of $7.5 million. Considering that the website is currently selling diamond jewelry, they would probably be earning a lot.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time


13. Business.com

Everything to help you get started on business is found at business.com. You’ll find the latest articles, trends, advice from the wealthiest businessmen from around the world. The domain is one of the longest running websites as it was bought for $7.5 million in 1999.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

12. Fb.com

With the rise of popularity of Facebook, the social media giant wanted to claim every domain name it could that pertained to its own name. Facebook was and is commonly known as Fb. It’s an abbreviation for the website that people used a lot. They expected that fb.com would probably be a common input so they bought the domain name for $8.5 million in 2010.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

11. Porno.com

One of the more recent expensive acquisitions on the internet, Porno.com would probably be a common search for people wanting to search for new internet porn sites. It was bought for $8,888,888 last February 2015 and now hosts links to other different porn websites.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

10. Porn.com

Probably the more common website name and website search compared to porno. Porn.com was bought last 2007 with the cost of $9.5 million. Considering how much the porn industry generates in revenue it’s not uncommon for websites like these that host porn videos online.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

9. Hotels.com

Functioning for almost 15 years now, Hotels.com has been a hub for those searching for the right hotel when traveling. The website even showcases hotels from different countries and regions. The website was bought last 2001 for $11 million.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

8. Sex.com

Scoring higher financially than all of the porn sites, a website about sex itself sold highly just last November 2014. It was bought at a price of $14 million. The website is like any typical porn website except the fact that it sort of emulates social media sites like Pinterest and even has articles about porn stars.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

7. Fund.com

For those looking for money or specifically looking for funds, fund.com would probably be a random search online. The domain name was bought in 2008 for the amount of approximately $15 million. If you do check the site now you’ll find that it’s on maintenance.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

6. Insure.com

It seems that money-related terms are one of the most expensive domain names to buy. The domain name was bought around 6 years ago for the cost of $16 million. The website has since partnered with a lot of financial and insurance companies. They even have tools to help you calculate and learn more about insurance.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

5. 360.com

The term is commonly known as something related to the 360-degree turn. The website was just bought this year for an amount of $17 million. If you do happen to go to the site it redirects to a Chinese search engine.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

4. Internet.com

Even the internet itself claims a title as one of the most expensive names online. It would probably be random to search a website with the name internet.com. It was bought last 2009 for a sum of $18 million. You won’t see anything at the domain though.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

3. PrivateJet.com

Things of luxury often demand high prices and even the name Private Jet can cost a lot of money online. The domain name sold last 2012 for $30.8 million. It currently hosts a company with an app that provides private jet service travel for those who can afford it.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

2. VacationRentals.com

Vacation homes and unit rentals have become popular in the last few years. Websites like Airbnb have been getting a lot of attention. VacationRentals.com is a similar site that was bought last 2007 for $35 million.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

1. Insurance.com

The highest costing domain name on the internet also goes to one of the most lucrative businesses in the modern world. The domain name was bought last 2010 for $35.6 million. At the website you can find different insurance deals.

Most Expensive Domain Names of All Time

This has been the list of 15 most expensive domain names of all time. This list proves that even simplicity on the internet can become costly.