13 Easiest and Fastest Immigration Countries in the World

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8. Argentina 

Argentina takes the 8th place on our easiest and fastest immigration countries in the world list because, in case you are over 18 years old and you are living in this country for at least two years, you are more than able to apply for Argentina’s green card. The Federal Chamber of Parana established that nobody could be considered an illegal alien in Argentina since the concept of legality or illegality is related only to performing actions based on the violation of criminal laws. The violation of the immigration law is, on the other hand, seen as nothing more than a simple administrative issue. This means that immigrants who lacked legal residency, worked without a legal permit or entered the country illegally will not have any difficulties in pursuit of citizenship whatsoever. In some exceptional cases, even immigrants with criminal records are welcome. Thus, if you are a type of person who used to live on the other side of the law, moving to Argentina sounds great. However, as of last year, some changes to the country’s immigration law are made, and entry is somewhat limited, at least to those with criminal records. Famous Argentine wines, parrillas (steak restaurants) all sorts of Italian pasta can be found in almost every restaurant. Argentina’s culture is famous for its duality — there are many European cultural issues involved, so if you are coming from Europe, accustomization will be a piece of cake for you. Not mentioning, if you are a passionate fútbol (soccer) player or lover, or you find yourself into prolific Latin literature and art – in that case, Argentina is the right choice for certain.

Easiest and Fastest Immigration Countries in the World

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