11 Worst Asian Countries for Human Rights Violation

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9. Pakistan

Points: 9

Areas of human rights violation as identified by HRW: counterterrorism and law enforcement abuses; attacks on minorities and sectarian violence; religious minorities; freedom of expression; Balochistan; afghans in Pakistan; attacks on health workers; women’s and children rights; death penalty.

Sectarian violence, extremist attacks and death penalty

While the number of sectarian incidents almost halved in 2015, the death toll of 276 exceeds the number of victims in 2014. Sectarianism in Pakistan has a long history, and since 1989, 5,227 people lost lives mainly in clashes between Sunni and Shia. HRW reports that religious minorities face significant threats from extremist groups and that the government fails to apprehend or prosecute perpetrators. Besides sectarian violence, attacks carried by Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and their affiliates additionally destabilized the country.

In 2015, there were 8,300 prisoners on death row, which represents one of the world’s largest population facing execution. In addition, 295 people were put to death, including a young man who was 15 years old at the time of his alleged crime. HRW reports that his confession was allegedly obtained through torture.

Blasphemy laws

Pakistan criminalizes any act that might be perceived as religiously offensive. Under blasphemy laws a person can receive a sentence ranging from one year in prison to death penalty. Although no one has yet been executed because of blasphemy, international organizations warn that these laws are often used as a pretext for abuse of religious minorities. In 2015, at least 19 people remained on death row because of “blasphemous” acts while hundreds awaited trial.

Women’s rights

Pakistan is notorious for its treatment of female population. Every year honor killings take lives of almost 1,000 women. In many cases the only wrong they did was engaging in a love relationship that family had not previously approved. Two years ago, a 25-year old pregnant woman was stoned to death by her family in front of the courthouse where she went to sign marriage papers. Sometimes, even a mere possibility of dishonoring family is enough of a reason for murdering a woman. In one incident, parents killed their 15-year old daughter with acid because she looked at a boy. The list of atrocious honor killings is endless and it includes rape victims accused of adultery, which is punishable by stoning to death in Pakistan.

pakistan, rights, empowerment, programme, hyderabad, women, violations 11 Worst Asian Countries for Human Rights Violation

Asianet-Pakistan / Shutterstock.com

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