11 Professions With The Highest Suicide Rates in Australia

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9. Farmers

Suicide rate per 100,000 people: 19.03

I guess it is not as surprising to see farmers in the list ofprofessions with the highest suicide rates in Australia because first and foremost, farmers reside in rural areas, and the social isolation along with the ease of access to firearms gives them both the reason and the opportunity to commit suicide. Furthermore, many farmers are also often very poor, and the pressure of not being able to afford even the basic necessities for their families can often be too much to bear. In India, farmers committing suicides are so common that studies are being conducted to deduce the reasons behind this alarming rate.  While the government in Australia has sought to help farmers, it looks like much more can be done in this regard.

11 Professions With The Highest Suicide Rates in Australia


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