11 Most Venomous Rattlesnake Species in the World

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9. Pygmy rattlesnake, ground rattlesnake, leaf rattler (Sistrurus miliarius)

LD50: 2.8

This species is native to marshes, floodplains and forests of southeast of the United States, including Florida, up to Missouri and southern Kentucky, west to Oklahoma and Texas. It is a small species, with average length 15-24 inches, and vividly colored. Its base color is light blue or gray with distinct brownish and orange rounded stains. Although according to the venom strength it belongs to the group of the most venomous rattlesnakes in the world, its bite is not deadly to humans, since it produces very small portions of venom.

11 Most Venomous Rattlesnake Species in the World

Heiko Kiera/Shutterstock.com

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