11 Most Romantic Things To Say To Him

Want to find out which are 11 most romantic things to say to him? Have you ever felt like you want to say to your boyfriend or husband how much you love him and can not find the right words? We want to help you, because even if you adore your boyfriend, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you know how to give voice to your deepest feelings.

Were you wondering when is the best time to say the L word? Well, if you feel that he is deeply in love with you, don’t think that boys don’t want to hear how much you love them, too. If you have already heard one of 11 most romantic things to say to her coming from your boyfriend’s mouth, be sure that he cares about you and that he is probably wondering if you feel the same. Be creative! Make him a special dinner, take him to dancing or just organize a surprise trip! It’s 21 century after all and it’s not like only the guys have to be romantic!

wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock.com 11 Most Romantic Things To Say To Him


We won’t  define romance, mainly because  everybody was in love at least once in their lives. But we will remind you on one of the most beautiful stories about love and longing for the dear ones. Aristophanes, a playwright of Athens, talks about love in Plato’s Symposium when six friends gathered to drink wine and praise Eros. Aristophanes tells the story about the mythical beings who consisted of the both sexes combined in three ways: masculine and feminine, masculine and masculine, feminine and feminine. They were the perfect beings and the Gods thought that they could take over the Olympus. So the Gods thought that the creatures were too strong and decided to split them apart! They are cursed ever since to seek for the other part wandering around the planet. That’s why it so hard to find the other half of oneself and express one’s love to another person. I love this story and one of the best “definition” of romance might be the punch line in Socrates’ speech, when he describes love as the lack of being.

Beautiful story, isn’t it? Maybe we inspired you to write a story or a poem dedicated to your boyfriend. If not, these are the most common romantic sayings women tell to their lovers. We found them on the various websites, such as Romantic Ideas in Life, Lovepanky, Love to know, Ezine articles, Her interest, and Romantic Love Messages.  We tried to find the quotes that are most common, so let’s check out together these beautiful romantic things you can say to the man you love. Stay tuned, because you will be surprised when you see our number one!

11. When you hold me in your arms, the world drifts away

Romantic and gentle, this quote is perfect for the moment he hugs you and hold you in his arms.

10. You are the guy every woman would like to be with

By saying this, you said everything. Your boyfriend will feel special and desirable knowing that he is perfect for you!

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9. There’s no one else in the world who understands me better than you do

Even if it looks like they are not such a great listeners, they will carefully pay attention to this quote. When a woman feels that a man understands her, that means she definitely found the man she will spend the life with.

8. My heart beats faster when you are around

Love equals fast heart beats, so he will be proud to hear that he makes you tremble every time he’s around.

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7. I was dreaming about the dinner with you all day long

After you say this, you can expect to see that beautiful broad smile on his face that you love so much!

6. I am crazy about you

One of 11 most romantic thing to say to him is definitely this one, because men want to know that you still feel the same and that you are still crazy in love with him just as the first day.

affection, asleep, beautiful, bed, bedroom, calmness, comfort, couple, dream, ease, free, freedom, full, handsome, happiness, happy, home, house, hug, length, 11 Most Romantic Things To Say To Him


5. I think about you right now

You don’t have to text him all the time, we advise you to do it now and then, but when you send him a message, it should be special. If he knows that you think about him even when you are busy at work, he will know that he is the one.

4. When you hold me, all the troubles just go away

Men tend to be protective and when they know you felt safe with them, oh, well, they feel very special.

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3. I still get butterflies when I see your face

Boys love to hear this one because they want to feel special and want to know that you are still “weak at your knees” when you see him!

2. I want to spend my life with you

Yes, spending the life with someone is not the first thing on your mind when you start dating, but when you are in love with somebody, you feel like you don’t want to miss anything in that person’s life and want to be next to him happily ever after!

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1. I love you

Surprised? Statistics shows that men are more likely to say to their girlfriends or wives that they love them. Women think a lot about the most romantic thing to say to him before they actually say them. But, when a woman says “I love you”, trust us, you are The One for her, as she is convinced that she has found that other half to complete her being.

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