Today we will present you the architectural works of art and talk about 11 most famous architects in the world. The architecture is not just designing the form, it’s so much more, it reflects environmental, social, aesthetic and functional considerations. One of the Roman architects, Vitruvius, said that a building must satisfy the three principles: firmitas, utilitas, venustas (durability, utility and beauty).
From the origins of architecture, when people built secure shelters, to the modern ages, we became acquainted with numerous works of architecture, but there are few architects who became famous around the globe. We admire their works and tourists visit them every year, just as they are eager to 10 most famous artifacts from the ancient world.

To compile a list of the most famous architects, we were looking for the ones who are known about by many people. We also took into consideration some of the lists of the most popular architects, which are produced by the experts in architecture. When we gathered all the data, we were able to make a list by assembling information collected from other sources. Some of the sources that we have used are: Architect architecture, Architecture and design, E-architect, Arch daily, and Complex. You will find out that you heard of them, but try to remember some of the most famous works of these architects before you read the descriptions in our slideshow. Let’s find out together what we have got:
11. Le Corbusier
His real name was Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, but he became popular as Le Corbusier. This Swiss-French architect was a pioneer of the modern architecture. Le Corbusier was a master in urban planning and was dedicated to making better living conditions. Some of the most famous Le Corbusier’s buildings are: United Nations Headquarters New York, Notre Dame du Haut, Saint- Pierre, Palace of Justice in Chandigarh, Palace of Assembly, Saint Marie de la Tourette, The Cite Radieuse, Villa Savoy, The National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, La Maison Blanche and Heidi Weber Pavilion.

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