11 Glaring Plot Holes in Disney’s Tangled

10. Are you deaf?

So, Gothel sneaks into the castle, climbs through the balcony (at her age, nonetheless), sings to the child to activate the pretty hair, and no one hears her. I mean, no one hears her. The parents are right there, and everyone knows parents don’t sleep like the dead with a child in the room. That aside, she was singing! Did she need a parade marching behind her to make herself heard? Yeah, that idea doesn’t hold water.

9. Worst. Guards. Ever

I hope someone fired all the guards and got new ones because those that were employed did a lousy job. Since Gothel had been away from her magic flower for a while she was quite the old lady. Yet, she managed to sneak her way undetected to the castle, climbed the wall, snuck in through the balcony, kidnapped the little kid and got away with it. No one stopped her. If that doesn’t mean someone needs to lose their job, I don’t know what does.