11 Easy Gymnastics Moves on Floor that Look Hard

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10. Full turn on one foot

OK, we admit it, when it’s done right this move, being elegant as it should, doesn’t look that hard. But, if we are to think like that, then all the moves done by pros seem easy, right? So, picking the easy gymnastics moves on floor that look hard is not an easy task. In any case, full turn on one foot done by a gymnast looks beautiful, and it is going to impress. To do this turn, you should stand on the ball of your one foot, with your entire body in a straight position. The other foot should be lifted at the ankle or at the knee. If you want something more impressive the other foot can be lifted straight in front of you (this will be somewhat harder to do, but it will also look harder). Arms should be in a curved position in front of you, or in a crown position over your head. And you should simply turn 360°.

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