11 Biggest Gun Producing Countries in the World

If you are passionate about guns you would love to check out our list of 11 Biggest Gun Producing Countries in the World. There is a huge demand for weapons worldwide. According to many – war is big money, which is why countries export and import different kinds of weapons including guns, missiles, and bombs. While general public is not allowed to have bombs, grenades and other types of weapons, they are allowed to keep regular guns if they have a license for it. There has been an increase in the gun culture in some parts of the world. USA, Switzerland, Finland, and Serbia are amongst the countries with the highest gun ownership. In USA alone there are almost 130,000 gun dealers with 51,438 retail stores, 7,356 pawnshops and 61,562 collectors. According to a study, America has more guns stores than grocery shops. Having a gun culture is not so bad if you can create Gun Laws that protect everyone. So, have you ever wondered where it all started? Let us go back in time and see where it all began.

Kreangkrai Indarodom/Shutterstock.com

Kreangkrai Indarodom/Shutterstock.com

The first ever recognized gun came out in AD 1000 in China which was a bamboo tube that fired a spear using gun powder and the gun technology started evolving from there. During the First World War in 1918 the Germans introduced machine gun for the first time. During the Second World War, the Germans added yet another weapon to their arsenal in the form of an assault rifle. This was the first time any army used this gun.

Today, we have a large number of guns available in different shapes and sizes. Some of the most famous guns of the modern era include AK-47, A5-15, G3, FAL, MP5, M1911 and the list just goes on and on.  These guns are sold and bought by different countries but do you know which country tops the list when it comes to producing weapons? Well, if you don’t then you have come to the right place. Below is a list of top 11 Biggest Gun Producing Countries in the World by their share of worldwide arms export.

11. Netherlands.

Netherlands stands at number 11 in our list with international arms export share just under 2%.



10. Israel.

From 2005 to 2014, Israel’s share of arms export (2%) has remained the same, which is why it is ranked number 10 on the list.


9. Ukraine.

Located in the heart of Europe, Ukraine is considered one of the largest gun producing countries in the world with their export share of 3% from 2000 to 2014.


8. Spain.

Staying in Europe, Spain does not only offer famous holiday resorts but the country is also popular around the world for producing and exporting weapons. With an export share of slightly over 3%, the country stands at number 8.


7. Italy.

Another country from Europe, Italy is at number seven in our rankings. The country’s share of international arms export increased from 2% to 3.5% in 2010.


6. United Kingdom.

Number six on the list of 11 Biggest Gun Producing Countries in the Worldis United Kingdom with its constant share of 4% throughout the last decade.


5. France.

France has seen a major change in its export share of weapons. From 2005 to 2009, the country had a good share of about 8%, which dropped down to 5% from 2010 to 2014.


4. Germany.

The economic giant Germany is one of the largest producers of guns. The country is also popular for inventing some of the most famous modern day weapons. Germany’s share of international export was about 11% from 2005 to 2009, however, that figure has now come down to 5.5%.


3. China.

Over the last few years, China has increased the production of guns. The country’s arms export share has gone from 3% to 6% in the last few years. It takes the 3rd spot in our rankings.


2. Russia.

Taking the second spot in our rankings is Russia. In the last five years the country’s rate of arms exports increased from 22% to 27%.


1. USA.

USA has seen a major change in gun culture. There has been a substantial increase in the number of gun owners over the years. As mentioned above, the country has more gun stores than grocery shops, 15000 more to be exact. Its share of global arms export was around 29% from 2005 to 2009. In the last 5 years the figure has gone up to 31%, which is the highest in the world. More and more weapons are being produced and exported to the different countries. Hence, USA takes the first spot on the list of 11 Biggest Gun Producing Countries in the World.
