11 Best Science Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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8. Bigger, Stronger, Faster

Site Score: 4, IMDb Score: 5, Overall Score: 9
Directed by Christopher Bell
Year: 2008

Despite all the stigma attached to them, performance-enhancing drugs have been a reality in sports for quite some time. The heavy competition makes it harder and harder each year for athletes to achieve their dreams and resorting to pharmaceuticals for getting them to the top is nothing new. But how much exactly are these chemical compounds widespread in the world of the US sport? Christopher Bell explores this subject on his own example and that of his brothers’, all three of them being aspiring bodybuilders. The emphasis of the documentary is placed on how the American do-or-die attitude leads to drug abuse in sport. Bigger, Stronger, Faster premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2008.

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