11 Worst Countries for People with Asthma

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There are millions of people that have respiratory problems, including asthma, living all over the world, but life is definitely harder for them in these 11 worst countries for people with asthma.

As you may know, asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. People with this condition often wheeze, cough, encounter chest tightness and are short of breath. They may even need inhalers to improve their condition.

While part of the reasons behind asthma are genetic, there are also various environmental factors at play, both as a source of the illness and as a way to keep the illness active. What it boils down to is that people with asthma have a hard time when faced with various factors that people without this disease have no issues with, including cigarette smoke, regular allergens and pollution.

11 Worst Countries for People with Asthma

The causes of asthma, however, remain complex and not one particular thing can be pinpointed as the unique cause of it. It is generally accepted that in order to manage this disease you have to protect yourself as best as you can, whether that’s by breathing in clean air, staying away from second-hand tobacco smoke or quitting smoking, or making sure you live in an environment that’s as clean as possible.

In order to create our list today we took a look at the 11 worst countries that are responsible for global warming due to their high CO2 emissions, as well as the countries that are most polluted, the nations with the most impure air, as well as the nations that have an extremely low access to sanitation, a report created by WHO and Unicef. We handed out points according to their rankings and then added in some extra points if they have any kind of anti-smoking laws, even if they’re local or only regard public spaces; the more expensive the law, the lower the points. Without further ado, here are the 11 worst countries for people with asthma.

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