If you are looking for best military high schools in the USA, take a look at this list of 11 best military high schools: 4 are free.
Military high schools haven’t been the first choice when choosing high schools for quite some time, but over the last couples of years, they have taken the role of college preparatory institutions. While it was often considered that military high schools are the perfect solution for “troubled youth” this has changed a lot, and nowadays military high schools are a choice of those students who wish to enroll at prestigious colleges and/or serve in the military later on in life. Enrollment standards have increased accordingly, and military schools definitely do not act like “lockdown institutions” anymore. However some military academies and schools are tougher than others, so you might want to read reviews and opinions about your future school before sending your application. If you want to know more about toughest military academies in the world, we recommend you to check our list of 10 toughest military training academies in the world as well.

Dmytro Larin/Shutterstock.com
Military schools enforce rules and regulations to a greater extent than other high schools which mean that this lifestyle is not suitable for everyone. One’s success will largely depend on how well the person can adapt to these rules. However, for those who like discipline, there are many benefits of attending a military high school. According to data published on MMA-TX blog, military high schools have very high graduation rate and over 90% of graduates attend college. Student-to-teacher ratio is typically much lower than in regular high schools, and a lot of emphases are placed on physical activity which is great for those who like to stay active and fit. Still, most military high schools take into consideration that all students have different talents and physical activities which they offer range from rock climbing to boxing and cycling. The military high school is the best choice for students who need more individual work with teachers, those who like a team and closely-knit environment and those who prefer athletics to academic subjects. But be aware, you will definitely have to study a lot, and if you think that you will spend your days at military high school doing push-ups and jogging around, you are mistaken.
Another specific thing about military schools and academies, in general, is that in these schools a lot of emphases are placed on honor and integrity, and they aim at developing student’s whole personalities, not solely their academic knowledge. Students are encouraged to learn the importance of leadership, teamwork, responsibility, service to the community and most of all respect towards their motherland. They are required to conduct themselves with the utmost integrity and to maintain and cherish strong personal values. This is a great preparation for those who will go on to serve in the armed forces as well as for those who wish to continue their academic careers. While choosing a military high school, you should be aware that most of them are boarding schools and boys-only type. Girls, if you plan to go to military high-school, make sure to check if the school you like is open for girls as well.
In order to compile this list of 11 best military high schools: 4 are free, I used a couple of sources. Firstly I focused on Google Search results for best military high schools in the USA and read through some articles that came up about military high schools in America. Then I advised an article about military schools on Boarding School Review, Boarding Schools, Thought Co. and article about free military schools on Military School USA. After reading through information on these websites and blogs, I singled out most frequently mentioned ones (and those that had the highest rank on most websites) and four free schools from Military School USA website (one Baaton Military Academy was closed, so I replaced it with Francis Marion Academy). Military schools on this list are ranked according to their tuition fee, from the most expensive one to the least/free expensive ones. For this ranking, I will consider prices for boarding school option (for those schools which offer day and boarding option).