11 Best Health Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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9. Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days

Site rank 1, IMDb rank 7; Overal rank = 8
Directed by Aiyana Elliott
Year: 2009

We have been taught that diabetes is an incurable disease. The number of people suffering from it is fast approaching 250 million worldwide. Six of them have agreed to participate in a trial that required them to stay off things like meat, sugar, dairy, coffee, and alcohol, among others, and only eat raw vegetables for one month. The film follows their stories from the beginning, as they embark on their journey. The idea that a simple diet plan can cure a disease against which modern medicine is powerless, seems a bit preposterous, but for these six people it changed their lives. By the end of the 30 day period, their blood sugar levels were stable and they were effectively cured of diabetes.

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