11 Best Crime Documentaries on Amazon Prime Instant

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9.  The Seven Five

Average score based on the number of mentions: 2; IMDB Rating: 7.5;

Overall Insider Monkey score: 4.75

The Seven Five ranks ninth in our list of 11 best crime documentaries on Amazon Prime Instant. Another documentary which focuses on the corruption of those entrusted with the safekeeping of our society, with the culprits being police officers this time. A cop in the 1980s is the focus of this documentary, in one of the most dangerous precincts in New York. Mike Dowd, believing he was underpaid, resorted to stealing money from drug dealers and protecting drug lords. He was finally caught after spending 10 years on the force, showing how easy it was to continue a double life without getting caught, and served 13 years in prison for his offenses.

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