11 Best Business Documentaries on Netflix Instant in 2015

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8. Burt’s Buzz

Site rank 3, IMDb rank 5; Overall Score = 8
Directed by Jody Shapiro
Burt’s Buzz tells us a story of Burt Shavitz; the company he co-founded in 1984, Burt’s Bees; and how it went from its humble beginnings in an abandoned one-room school building, rented from a friend for $150 a year, to the company that was eventually sold to Clorox in 2007 for more than $900 million. Despite fame and fortune and his status as a celebrity among beekeepers and his customers, Burt remained somewhat a recluse. He summed up his philosophy in one sentence: “A good day is when no one shows up and you don’t have to go anywhere.” Burt died in 2015 in Maine, where he lived out his final year alone on a 57-acre farm.

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