10 Worst Smelling Cigarette Brands In The World

If you want to know which cigarettes to avoid, stay until the end of our worst smelling cigarette brands in the world list. You’ll make a big favor to yourself and the people surrounding you.

Cigarettes smell bad, that’s a fact. To a non-smoker, every cigarette will have a repulsive odor. Even I, as a longtime smoker, sometimes have problems with the smell of cigarettes. This especially goes if someone smokes cheap cigarettes, or uses poor quality tobacco in their rolled cigarettes. E-cigs are a different story. Their smell is hard to detect in most of the cases, and if the person uses a flavored liquid, they can even smell nice. I can vouch for that from my personal experience. I was at a festival once when the smell of stale beer was suddenly neutralized by a fruity smell. When I turned around, the guy behind me was vaping, and I was tempted to make the switch from regular tobacco myself. Luckily, it didn’t hold me for long. The nice smell doesn’t apply for regular flavored cigarettes. While doing the research for the article, many people had issues with the smell of menthol cigarettes.

If you are a smoker, then you know that the smell of cigarettes gets into everything: clothes, furniture, carpets. The best way to avoid that is to stop smoking. Not entertained with the idea? Well, there are few other things you can do. For example, you can get rid the smell of cigarettes from your car by covering interior with some scented baking soda, leave it for a couple of days and then vacuum it. This works for the furniture as well. Also, leaving coffee beans will help, but then your car will smell like coffee. Still, the better option, if you ask me. The most important thing of all is to ventilate the car or a room as much as possible and clean your ashtray regularly. In case you are a newcomer in the world of smokers and still didn’t find the preferred brand, check out our list of 5 best tasting cigarettes for new smokers.

By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.

Before we continue with the list of worst smelling cigarette brands in the world, let’s quickly cover the methodology. We went through various forum topics on Yahoo, Reddit, CigReviews, and Straight Dope among others and looked for brands that people thought had the worst or at least bad smell. The brands that had more recommendations ended up having a higher rank on the list. Note that this isn’t definitive ranking, and it is based on the subjective opinion of the users. Let’s check out the list now.

10. Parliament

If you didn’t hear about Parliament, don’t worry. The brand is better known in some parts of Asia and Eastern Europe. People think they are smooth and high quality, but one user said that they taste a lot better than they smell.

9. Exeter

Although there are lots of positive things about Exeter cigarettes (even about the ones with menthol flavor) said by the users, one person described it as the “worst smelling cigarette” he ever had in his life.

10 Worst Smelling Cigarette Brands In The World

Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH / Shutterstock.com

8. Smokin’ Joes

This is the first Native American-owned cigarette brand, and one of the cheapest you can get. The users are praising the taste of the cigarettes, saying they have the flavor of real tobacco. Still, not everyone is a fan, since some users were comparing their smell with “burnt raisin” and ” burnt perm hair.”

10 Worst Smelling Cigarette Brands In The World


7. American Spirit

There are opposing opinions about the smell of American Spirit that ranks 7th on our list of worst smelling cigarette brands in the world. While some people claim they don’t smell bad as regular cigarettes, others are disgusted by the smell and think it sticks with you for hours.

6. Kool

Thanks to the fact that it is menthol flavored cigarette brand, Kool has found a place on our list. For the people who like the brand’s taste, the smell isn’t an issue. But those who are not keen on the taste, also say the smell is really bad. I have encountered opinions that they even smell like marijuana to some people.

5. Newport

Another menthol flavored brand on our list of worst smelling cigarette brands in the world. The majority of people like the taste, but the major complaint besides the price go to the strong smell that cigarette has. It doesn’t suit to some people, and they said it lingers in their clothes for a long time.

4. Maverick

The number 4 on our list of worst smelling cigarette brands in the world do not just smell bad, but on many forum topics about the worst cigarette brands, people are placing Maverick on the top. I guess that you can’t get a good cigarette for a cheap price.

10 Worst Smelling Cigarette Brands In The World


3. Marlboro Reds

Although Marlboro is the best-selling brand in the world, Marlboro Reds don’t have a good reputation, at least among the internet users. While the opinions are divided between those thinking Marlboro Reds taste awful and those considering them just an average brand, most people think they don’t smell good. The smell was described as “awful” and “unpleasant.”

2. Pyramid

People only had one positive thing to say about Pyramid: they are cheap. Everything else was negative, including the bad smell, awful taste, and fast burn.

1. Pall Mall

The reason why Pall Mall closes our list of worst smelling cigarette brands in the world is that plenty people thought they smell bad and taste bad. Some said that the brand smells weird at best while others went so far as calling it “worst smelling cigarette ever.” Still, the brand has some fans, who are claiming that they are the best cigarettes available. If you want to know the truth, try them yourselves.