10 Weird Subcultures around the World

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3.Doomsday Preppers

Where: The United States of America


The history of preppers or survivalist subculture has been a long one in the United States, but it was the Cold War that really gave it a push. After all, there’s nothing like a threat of a nuclear war to make people prepare for the worst. In the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the whole thing sort of fizzled out, leaving only the most dedicated members active. 9/11 and subsequent turbulent events, followed by the 2008 financial crisis revived the subculture to the point that they now have a TV show about them. There are several scenarios for which they prepare against, but all of them include a total breakdown of a modern society and the return of the Dark Ages. Oh, and if you mention Zombie Apocalypse, they will get offended, although a modern day plague wiping out the majority of human population is something they envision as likely, just without walking dead. Regardless of what calamity they feel will be the most likely culprit of the End of the World, all members of Doomsday Preppers subculture have one thing in common: their deeply ingrained mistrust of social mechanisms for coping with such an event.


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